- Chinese Language (中國語文)
- English Language (英國語文)
- Mathematics (數學)
- Citizenship and Social Development (公民與社會發展)
- Biology (生物)
- Chemistry (化學)
- Integrated Science (綜合科學)
- Physics (物理)
- Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (企業,會計與財務概論)
- Information, Communication and Technology (資訊及通訊科技)
- Design & Technology (設計與科技)
- Technology & Living (科技與生活)
- Biblical Knowledge (聖經)
- Chinese History (中國歷史)
- Economics (經濟)
- Ethics and Religious Studies (倫理與宗教)
- Geography (地理)
- Around the World (世界歷史)
- Life & Society (生活與社會)
- Health Management and Social Care (健康管理與社會關懷)
- Integrated Performing Arts (綜合藝術)
- Music (音樂)
- Physical Education (體育)
- Putonghua (普通話)
- Visual Arts (美術與設計)